Saturday, 20 July 2013

Romansa Ariah

It was Jakarta city's anniversary, i dont know what number to celebrate but i just remember that the show will made me come. Not as heritage like Matah Ati, but enough for celebrating show with peoples of jakarta.

Great Monas

The dancers

this story about a girl from tambun who defensed her honour till death on centeng's hand cause doesnt want to married to the land's master. Very simple story to understand even for the children.

This message for my beloved daugther...take your pride in your life.


This year made a different challenge for me. I born as an builder world and the basic learn on it. But I left cause many reason, refused this way and find another for trough my life. I had this chance again, even in different context, but I can go trough it. Goes to some places, made different athmosphere on job doing. Ussually i work on system, administration, IT product but this time I go to design. Interesting Idea came from young and experience architect, using the new material to build the shape...something I missing on my past. I hope this can be fill my lost passion lately.

In my high level room

Merdeka Walk

Pontianak Hotel

Gumilang's Meeting


Bandung's UPT

Each place had an exciting design and made me more caution to determine their work, can go on or need to revised. Mostly, their design a very attractive shape but always forgot for 3 basic, function, strength and art. We must considered to green building too, one of international issues goes to standart between gender, disabble facility and disaster safety.

Bengkulu Office



KALBAR Dine Building

SULTENG Dine Building


SULTENG Digital Library

SULTENG Interior Dorm

SULTENG Guest House

Bengkulu Dorm

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Just for you becuse i miss you

It's easier for me to catch the morning sun
Nothing more easily to remember a smile on cycle when you look at me
Nothing more easily when i want to put a red rose in front of a window your room
Heavy for me forget that which gave me the spirit of the sick
I want to live longer untill i also could put a red rose for you

I write this to moisten the eye and breathed deeply that my blood in stream

just for you because i miss you

‘Seorang Sahabat’

Seorg professor berdiri di depan kelas filsafat. Saat kelas dimulai, dia mengambil toples kosong & mengisi dgn bola2 golf. Kemudian ia bertanya kpd murid2nya, apakah stoples sdh penuh...... ? Mereka setuju !!!!

Kemudian dia menuangkan batu koral ke dlm stoples, mengguncang dgn ringan. Batu2 koralpun mengisi tempat yg kosong di antara bola2 golf. Kemudian dia bertanya kpd murid2nya, apakah stoples sdh penuh ? Mereka setuju !!!

Selanjutnya dia menabur pasir ke dlm stoples ... Tentu saja pasir menutupi semuanya. Profesor sekali lagi bertanya apakah toples sdh penuh..? Murid , "Yes"...!!

Kemudian dia menuangkan dua cangkir kopi ke dlm stoples, & secara efektif mengisi ruangan kosong di antara pasir. Para murid tertawa....

"Sekarang.. saya ingin kalian memahami bahwa stoples ini mewakili kehidupanmu."

"Bola2 golf adalah hal yg penting; Tuhan, keluarga, anak2 & kesehatan.
"Jika yg lain hilang & hanya tinggal mrk, maka hidupmu msh ttp penuh makna."

"Batu2 koral adalah hal2 lain, spt pekerjaanmu, rumah & mobil."

"Pasir adalah hal2 yg sepele. Jika kalian pertama kali memasukkan pasir ke dlm stoples, maka tdk akan tersisa ruangan utk batu2 koral ataupun utk bola2 golf.
“Hal yg sama akan terjadi dlm hidupmu. Jika kalian menghabiskan energi utk hal2 yg sepele, kalian tdk akan mempunyai ruang utk hal2 yg penting buat kalian."

"Jadi Beri perhatian utk hal2 yg penting utk kebahagiaanmu. Bermainlah, berbincanglah, dgn anak2mu. Luangkan waktu utk check up kesehatan. Ajak pasanganmu utk keluar makan malam. Berikan perhatian terlebih dahulu kpd bola2 golf. Hal2 yg benar2 penting. Atur prioritasmu.”

“Baru yg terakhir, urus pasirnya."

Salah satu murid mengangkat tangan dan bertanya, "Kalau kopi mewakili apa Prof ?"
Profesor tersenyum, "Saya senang kamu bertanya. Itu utk menunjukkan kpd kalian, sekalipun hidupmu tampak sdh sgt penuh, tetap selalu tersedia tempat utk secangkir kopi bersama  ‘seorang sahabat'.”