Saturday, 15 February 2014

My girl's way to University

During the end of last year, my girl said to me that Germany will be the last choice for her university programm. She still straight on her passion, bussiness school program, cause she wanted so much to work at multi national company. She was not interest for local company, that's why she want to study on international bussiness. I gave her change to go to IBS (ITB) but she choose KKI Manajemen at UI. Simple reason that she didn't want to live at Bandung. Se wasn't intereting to stay and study there. For preparation, she take Social Course beside Science Course.

Beginning this year she asked again, did she can took another private university beside UI, she became so sure about alumny from UI. On her opinion, not ready for bussiness world and haven't good network. Some of her friend tried at Prasetya Mulya, she asked promission to get test there but I ignore it cause not worth it enough than UI. She tried to asked for another University like Trisakti, Atmajaya, IIBI etc, but still I refused it, cause that's not enough for her dream.

I still asked her to consider IBS (ITB), cause many cases I seen enough proof of the 'product'. Like Dea, her bestfriend, right now she had part time work at finland after finish her academic curriculum at IBS (ITB) for 2 years. She spend her graduate cause she had enough time (she still 19th years old). Another case was Wahyu, a son of Fasli Jalal, he more elder than Dea, he already had a extend master programm after 3 years finish from IBS (ITB). They all now work at MNC as recomended from ITB alumny.

With her passion like Dea or Wahyu, but didn't want to study at IBS (ITB) cause at Bandung, I must find another alternatife who had the same result with ITB. I offer Binus International to my girl, she refuse it. She said that Binus just had a very good facility. So where else I have offering her?

Oppurtunely, January 25th I had wedding invitation at PTIK and in the same time at JCC have university exibition. They had public and private university to offer every student who came there, including UI, Trisakti, Atmajaya, Prasmul, Binus etc. After my invitation event over, I took my girl to see that exhibition and I told to her to find information as much as she want. I just follow her walk. In my observation there, based on pro active student who offering their university, I choose 3 university there, Binus, ESQ and SGU. But I still quiet, waiting my girl told me about her searching there. But she told me something, that she disapointed cause UI didn't serve well as another. She had difficult tie to get information from UI stand, cause their student just know their own major, not another major. For KKI, there's no student serve the information. 

After we're out from the arena, I took her lunch and asked her opinion about that exhibition. I asked her, Did she had a satisfied information from the stands? She answered that only had from Trisakti, Binus and ESQ, nt else. Than I asked again, who serve you better for the question you asked? For Trisakti, the lecturer gave her wide information, at Binus, all the informan was a student and I had the answer for all her question. Than I continued my question, which one do you choose for get admission form, she still said Trisakti and Binus. Trisakti she already knew all information she need, but at Binus, the schoolarship it will be the interesting one.

I think more wiser to direct my girl to think about her dream to work at MNC and have aa very good and wide network, if she want to reach all her dream, which university who will gave her opportunity to get it? Just see their 'product' at the exhibition.She explain that Binus had a good track, cause their plan to get consumen to their stand with strategy and manage very well. The information could she get from any of them, they had a very wide knoledge of their university, so they can 'sell' it. Very different with Trisakti, the lecturer explain all the programm, their student just sit and smile. At ESQ had a pro-active student, but their university had run a year and not get accreditation yet.She beg me to get my promission for Binus admission and I said if you get schoolarships you can get it. 

February 9th, my girl have test at Binus, and I get brunch invitation with executive dean to explain all programm. My girl had to get TPA, Toefl and interview test, a full day. Mostly, their program similar with IBS-ITB. For International Bussiness, my girl have to get sandwich programm 3+1 years. She still dream to o to germany and take double degree at CBS (Cologne Bussiness School). 

Yesterday we had a result test, and my girl passed + 50% schoollarships. Looks like she get a way to go there. I asked again to her, did she still want to get SBMPTN for KKI UI? She anwered, if she just can go with Binus only. So, I had to faced that my girl already choice her way life and I must support her.

May Allah give a strange to support all she need for her dream.

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