Thursday 16 April 2009

Good and Bad Teachers I Found

Bapa, kapan kami sekolah (Kampung Sela di Pegunungan Tengah Papua)

When I was traveling far away distant to emborder area, I found a very dedicate teacher who always teach even they got nothing for pay. But they had a very care community, loyal students and satisfied relationship. Almost entired of his life, he lived there and gave children something to survive.
I learned from them how to gratefull for they got, and that couldnt compare with money. That’s the people should learn from them, gratefull to the lord.
I also found the other face of teacher on my trip to district city. They want another insentif beside their allowance. But they didnt teach children for a long time cause have no book and transport to go to school. How evil they are.
But I thank to them too, cause gave me a lesson for not ignore my responsibility to my work.
My great "guru" always said, do what you can do right now and never think about what you got from them. You will find amazing reward from your dignity later,and it’s work. That’s why I never think about what I got for what I do and did. It will be come soon even I didn’t ask for it. Incredible world.
Yahukimo Project, 2006

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